5 Good Reasons to Become a Teacher


Not many people can claim to really enjoy their jobs. That’s understandable, because a lot of the time, people are doing something that they have to do, not what they want to do. Sometimes, there’s no choice, since you have to take anything you can get when times are hard.

Some people are lucky, because they want to do something and they eventually get it, while others want something and they go for it, but something gets in the way and they never achieve their dream. Rock stars, professional athletes; these are people who love what they do. Teachers can be added to this as well. Here are some reasons why teachers love their jobs.

1. Getting Paid For Something You Love

Teachers make good salaries. The fact that they love what they do is a bonus. It is a job where you can have so much fun as well. If you are teaching a particular subject that you have always loved, it just doesn’t get better than that. Then there’s the added bonus of variety. You don’t just get to teach students, but you can get involved in sports, dramas, debates, excursions and get involved in countless other projects.

2. Making A Difference In Young Lives

Whether you teach young kids or students who are older, the fact is, you will make a difference in their lives. Apart from their parents, you are probably the one person who will have a great influence on them, more than any other adult. Children are the future and you can make a significant difference by showing them so many things, right from wrong and steering them in the right direction. There will be so many different characters; the quiet ones, the noisy class clowns, the studious ones, the slower ones; you need to adapt to each one of them to influence them and get the best out of them, so it’s challenging but rewarding.

3. No 2 Days Are The Same

It can get pretty boring and tiresome if you’re doing the same thing every day. Imagine how someone with a telemarketer’s job feels. It is hard and stressful work being a telemarketer, but it is basically the same thing for hours, day in and day out. A teacher’s job is great because each day is different.

4. You’re The Boss (Well, Sort Of)

When you’re a teacher, you are pretty much your own ‘boss’. Since you’re already in a position of authority, you don’t really have a boss watching over you. Yes, you do have others higher than you, such as the principal, but they aren’t telling you what to do every day. You’re pretty much on your own to get on with it.

5. You’re Teaching But Learning Too

You may be a teacher, but that doesn’t mean you stop learning. There are obviously the academic opportunities, such as attending the Ontario teacher training program, but there are also other learning opportunities every day. You can learn about yourself. You may be surprised to find out that you have what it takes to deal with certain situations that you thought you could not handle in the past.

Then there are the students. You can learn from them as well. There may be some students who can make an impact on your life as you watch them and spend time with them on a daily basis.

However, you look at it, a teacher’s job is probably one of the most important jobs in the world. There are so many wonderful things associated with being a teacher. It is very rewarding in many ways and if you are thinking of making this a career choice, you will never regret it.
