5 Job Responsibilities of Real Estate Agents


When it comes to buying or selling a house, it can be tempting to act on your own behalf in an effort to save time and money. However, have a real estate agent has many benefits and below are 5 important jobs that they can take on.

1. Advertisements

When you are selling your home, you need the house featured in the popular listing outlets that people view. Otherwise, unless people go by your house and see the sign, they will not even know it is available for sale.

Real estate agents know what advertisements to add your house to to ensure that people see it. They can also add it to their own personal website in the event people visit it. In doing so, your house will get the attention it needs to interest people to come and view it.

2. Searches

When you are searching for a new home, you probably have a good idea of what you are looking for. With the real estate market being more competitive than ever, you need to act quickly when you find a house that you like or else someone else will swoop in and buy it.

Real estate agents are helpful because you are able to give them specific criteria regarding what you are looking for in a new home. He/she can then perform searches of current homes on the market and keep an eye out for you for new listings. As a result, you have an extra set of eyes on listings, ensuring you can act quickly when the right house comes along.

3. Appraisals

When it comes to real estate, appraisals are extremely important. When you are buying, you need someone to accompany you at viewings and make sure the offer that you put in is appropriate for what the house is worth. When you are selling, you need someone to look at your home and come up with an asking price that is appropriate.

Real estate agents are able to assume both of these responsibilities and help you whether you are buying, selling, or both. In doing so, the agent will ensure you are not overpaying for a house you put an offer in on and are not asking too little for the house you are about to sell.

4. Open houses

Open houses give an opportunity for potential buyers to come through and see if they like it and it would meet their needs. A lot of work goes into these and it is more than just opening your doors and letting people inside to look around.

Real estate agents are the driving force behind open houses and are the ones that make them happen successfully. They make sure that the open house is effectively advertise so potential buyers are aware of them and they are able to attend. During the open houses, the agents are present to welcome visitors in and answer any questions they may have. As a result, potential buyers can leave with a good idea of whether it is the right house for them.

5. Negotiations

When buying a house, you want to place an offer that is within your budget and is fair for what it is worth in the current market. When selling, you want to get fair market value but do your best to concede enough to close the deal.

Real estate agents are skilled and experienced when it comes to negotiations. When purchasing a new home, the agent can go through the house with you and detect things that can use to negotiate a lower price. When someone offers you a price well below what you are asking for your house, it can be easy to get emotional and frustrated. A real estate will keep you level-headed, acting on your behalf to negotiate a fairer price.
