All Posts By Owen

5 Professional Skills of a Business Consultant


Business management consultants can help improve all aspects of a business from improving the communication skills of the leadership team to streamlining business processes or helping to reinvigorate lagging sales. Their job is to work with companies and their management teams to improve overall organizational performance.

12 Easy Jobs with the Most Downtime


Jobs with downtime include roles that frequently have periods of idleness or waiting, affording employees extended breaks between tasks or duties. These positions span various industries and sectors, yet they all provide more downtime than most vocations. Individuals in such roles may have extra time during their work shifts.

Jobs with downtime offer a work-life balance, alleviating job-related stress. Furthermore, these roles can be appealing to those who value flexible schedules. They may need to address personal obligations throughout their workday. The ideal candidates for these roles should also demonstrate self-control and focus on their assignments, even when the work tempo slows.

8 Qualities of a Professional Moving Company


Finding a reliable moving company is difficult with the many options. Since you will be investing a bit of money to move your belonging, you want to make sure you find a mover that is on time and offers stress and incident free moving services.

Having peace of mind during your move is possible when you hire a reliable mover. Reputable movers offer services that are unique, customized and dependable. They make sure to provide precise estimates and employ full time professionals. There are important characteristics that differentiate a reputable mover from the others.

12 Church Leadership Roles and Responsibilities


Church leadership roles are vital in steering and moulding a faith community. These roles involve a wide variety of responsibilities and tasks that contribute to the overall performance and growth of the church.

Every leadership role offers unique abilities and viewpoints, from pastors and ministers to elders and deacons. They provide spiritual guidance, coordinate worship services, give pastoral care, and supervise numerous ministries within the church. Collectively, they establish a robust foundation for the congregation and cultivate a sense of unity and purpose.

7 Best Jobs in Logistics and Freight Industry


The world of commerce and transportation is a wide, complicated arena. Without a talented, detail-oriented person in logistics and freight, it’s easy to watch a perfectly soluble company fall apart. Any business needs to run like a well-oiled machine, without any missing or broken cogs gumming up the supply chain.

Moreover, it’s a degree that leaves you with no shortage of job options, as everything from city planning, government structure and global corporations all require a logistics and freight professional. That’s why it’s somewhat surprising there aren’t enough people to fill positions. According to Forbes, the logistics business was looking to employ 1.4 million jobs in 2018.

14 Group Therapy Ideas For Addiction


Treating an addiction can often involve group therapy. In a group dynamic, individuals can explore core issues with openness and transparency, receive support from their peers, are encouraged to communicate healthily, be accountable for their actions, and find bonds with others with shared experiences. Group therapy is also a place to find inspiration from others and to learn what’s involved with how to self-identify as an addict.

Here are some group therapy ideas for addiction that you may come across in your exploration of it as a tool to help overcome what you’re going through.